What is the Holiday Giving Tree?
Each holiday season, the school councilors from two local schools, Alpac and Ilalko, recommend two families each, to be provided Christmas gifts and food boxes. One of the parents of the family will fill out a form, detailing the families needs, clothing sizes, interest in certain toys, etc. Each family is represented by an ornament on the Giving Tree. The ornaments are numbered, and people from the community, or businesses select an ornament and then obtain the information from the forms, and go shopping. The person that took the ornament is also recorded for follow up. The gifts and donations are then brought in to be wrapped and tagged with the recipient’s name. Whatever ornaments are left are then covered by Pacific Partnerships members. The wrapped gifts are then delivered by the Pacific Partnerships members to the recipients in time for Christmas.
How To Participate
Buying Presents
Find the Holiday Giving Tree at Giu’s Market.
Giu’s Market, at 300 Milwaukee Blvd S Pacific, WA 98047
Select an ornament, and get the information about the specific family. Go shopping. The food, toys and other gifts can be dropped off for wrapping the day after Thanksgiving until December 11.
Gifts are to be dropped off for wrapping at 107 Butte Ave, Pacific WA.
Wrapping Presents
There is a Gift Wrapping Party to make sure the presents get wrapped and delivered before Christmas. Check that out here: