Other Ways You Can Help
- Consider making a tax deductible donation. Checks can be made payable to Pacific Partnerships and mailed to 107 Butte Ave, Pacific Washington 98047.
- Fred Meyer Community Rewards
- Volunteer your time, energy, and/or skills on one of the many fun projects Pacific Partnerships sponsors. Come join us at one of our monthly meetings.
Volunteers Are Needed For:
- May Day Baskets: Assemble baskets at April meeting (2nd Tuesday in April), deliver to seniors April 30th.
- Pacific Days: Road Blockers Friday & Saturday (One hour or longer). Other opportunities to volunteer over the weekend.
- Trunk Or Treat: School Halloween event for handing out candy at Alpac and Ilalko schools. Decorate cars, hand out candy.
- Pack The Pack: Food drive. Donating food items, sorting food items.
- Holiday Giving Tree: Tree put up November 25th at Giu’s Market, Day before Thanksgiving until December 15
- Gift Wrapping Party: Wrapping Party Saturday December 14th. City Hall Campus. Wrapping presents (materials provided).
- Holiday Tree Lighting: Friday after Thanksgiving. Serving refreshments, decorating, costumed characters, assist with raffle ticket sales.